The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan is responsible for implementing the national energy policy, including licensing and regulation of renewable energy sources. Matters related to tariffs and antimonopoly activities are the responsibilities of the Department of Anti-monopoly Policy under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The development of the energy sector is regulated by the Law on Energy (2000), the Law on Energy Saving (2002), and the Law on Renewable Energy (2010). Other primary laws that have significant implications for the sector’s development include the Concession Law (2011), the Law on Hydro-technical Installation Safety (2010), and the Investment Law (2007). Access of third parties to the market is regulated by the Law on Concessions and the Law on Foreign Investments (2007). Recently adopted secondary legislation includes:
- Approval of Measures for Implementation of Priority Projects in the Energy Sector for 2010 – 2015 (May 2010);
- Approval of the Rules of Attraction, Use, Coordination and Monitoring of External Assistance (August 2010);
- Approval of the Programme for Efficient Use of Power Resources and Energy for 2012-2016 (November 2011);
- Tariffs for Electricity and Heat (March 2012);
- Approval of the Draft Agreement Between the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources and the International Finance Corporation of the Presentation of Financial Advisory Services (September 2012);
- State Program of Investment Grants and Capital Construction for 2013-2015 (November 2012);
- Formation of the Supervisory Council on the Implementation and Monitoring Progress of the Restructuring of the Open Joint Stock Holding Company Barki Tojik (May 2012).